Impressive about the Untitled creation by Naum Gabo is that it weighs 40.000 kilograms while 26 meters high. It is also known as the Het Ding (The Thing) or the De Gestileerde Bloem (The Styled Flower) in Rotterdam.
The sculpture is an ideological contribution towards constructivism while architectural and sculptural approaches merge. With inspiration from organic structures of plants for the scultpure’s structure. Above the foundations as the roots there are two concrete blocks that form the stem. These blocks are covered with black marble. From the stem eight upward metal branches grow towards each other. The darker refined inside represent the foliage. Hence the name the De Gestileerde Bloem (The Styled Flower).
As of 1957 the Het Ding creation by Naum Gabo is at the busy Coolsingel in Rotterdam. Whether untitled, a flower or just a thing. This massive sculpture in Rotterdam certainly is present. Here is the location!