The artwork Hoorn des Overvloeds (2014) in the famous Markthal in Rotterdam is by Iris Roskam and Arno Coenen. It is the Horn of Plenty and refers to the Cornucopia from the ancient Greek mythology. Hence the many enlarged pieces of fruit, vegetables, grains, sweets, fish, flowers and insects.
This immense artwork inside the Markthal is printed on 4000 steel panels. Altogether the Horn of Plenty by Iris Roskam and Arno Coenen is 11.000 m2 large. Furthermore the image exists out of 400.000 megapixels with a size of 1470 gigabytes (1.47 terabytes). Therefore similar servers used by Pixar Studios were necessary to accomplish the artwork as it is.
Beside all the fruit and vegetables the Hoorn des Overvloeds also shows construction cranes and the medieval Laurens church in Rotterdam. As part of the Markthal the Horn of Plenty in Rotterdam is a true masterpiece. Here is the location!